Client View

Client View is composed of the following views.


Operation ribbon

Site Configuration

You can configure the settings for ActiveVisor.
For further details please access here.

Network Discovery

Discovers remote client depending on the network type selected in the Initial Setting. When selecting [Active Directory], the computer discovered in the same domain is added to the computer list. When selecting [Windows Network], the computer discovered in the same network is added to the computer list.

As a result of discovery, the computer are grouped as follows.

Add Computer

You can add a specified computer to the client list. The added computers are grouped as follows.


You can deploy a template.
For further details, please access here.

Push Install

You can push install / upgrade or uninstall ActiveImage Protector. For further details, please access here.

Send Ping

Send Ping to the selected computer to check the status of the ports required for management.

Power On

Power on the selected managed client PCs.

When using the power-on feature for a physical computer, please ensure that Wake on LAN (WOL) is properly configured and operable on the computer.

When using the power-on feature for a virtual machine, please ensure that the hypervisor on which virtual machine is configured is registered in in [Site Configuration] - [Hypervisor].


Reboots the system on the selected managed client.

Shut down

Shuts down the system on the selected managed client.


You can run QuickRecovery on agents meeting the following conditions.

Right-click an agent and select [QuickRecovery] in the right-click menu. When the settings are configured as necessary in [Agent Settings] - [QuickRecovery], preparation process will start and QuickRecovery will start automatically.
If the settings are not configured as necessary, [Agent Setting] -[QuickRecovery] is displayed. Please configure the settings.

Please select [Start VNC Viewer] in the right-click menu when operating QuickRecovery. You can perform recovery operation via VNC Viewer.

QuickRecovery earlier than Version 7.0.1 does not support operation via VNC.

Web access does not support operation of the agent booted using QuickRecovery.


You can build RescueBoot boot environment on agents meeting the following conditions.

Right-click on an agent and click [RescueBoot]. RescueBoot boot environment is automatically built. When successfully created, automatically boot into RescueBoot boot environment.
Please select [Launch Remote Console] or [Launch VNC Viewer] in the right-click menu to remotely operate the RescueBoot boot environment. You can select backup or recovery operation via remote console or VNC Viewer.

RescueBoot boot environment booted by agent Version 6.5.0 or earlier does not support operation via VNC.

Even when RescueBoot boot environment was built on local system in advance, you need to rebuild RescueBoot boot environment. When RescueBoot boot environment is built / booted and closed, it will be deleted at the next system reboot.

When accessing via remote console, you are not allowed to operate agent in RescueBoot boot environment.


You can select a managed client in the client list to monitor in a separate dialog.
For further details, please access here.

Computer List

Computers grouped under the filter selected in the Filter tree in the left pane will appear in the list.

Move managed clients to unmanaged

Right-click on a client grouped under [Unmanaged] or [Managed by a different ActiveVisor], select [Move to Managed] and configure the required settings to move the client to Managed. Before moving an unmanaged client to managed, please configure the following settings.

The client grouped in Managed will be grouped in [Managed by this ActiveVisor]. Right-clicking on this filter creates a group. You can drag and drop a client to the created group.

Operations on Managed Clients

Users can carry out the following operations for the managed clients.

Operation Operation Ribbon Right-click Menu
Push Install
Deploy Template
Power On
System Reboot
Shut down
Launch Remote Console  
Directly create a task  
Obtain support information  
Edit client settings  
Activate client  
Launch command interface  
Add to monitoring target  
Move to Unmanaged  

Client Details

Double-click on a client or click [+] to check the detailed information.

The information of the computers and the product are displayed in the left pane. The status information of the products availability is displayed in the right pane.