Command Reference

This reference provides the command syntax to run various tasks, view information or to script specific ActiveImage Protector operations from a command line interface (/opt/Actiphy/aipcontrol).

Remote Management Capabilities

  • remote
    Remotely operate an ActiveImage Protector service on remote machine.
    Parameter: ipv4address tcpport <login password>*<login username>

  • discover
    Discover an ActiveImage Protector service on networked machine.
    When running this command, the host computers on which ActiveImage agent is installed are discovered over a network. The information including IP address, TCP port, Agent version is displayed.

  • bye
    Disconnect from ActiveImage Protector service on networked remote host, and try connect to ActiveImage Protector service on local host.

Activation of ActiveImage Protector

  • activate
    Activate the product.
    parameter: <product key>

  • licensecheck
    You can check the updated license information.

Display Disk / Option Settings Information

  • diskinfo
    Displays disk and volume information.

  • serviceinfo
    Displays information on the AIP service.

  • config
    Gets or sets Service settings configuration.
    parameters: <setting> [<value>]

Backup Profiles

  • profiles
    Lists existing profiles.

  • profile
    Lists or changes the value of the profile variables.

    parameters: <profile> [<variable> [<value>]]

  • profilepw
    Changes the password specified in a profile.
    parameters: <profile> [<new password>]

  • profileuser
    Changes the network user (domainuser) name and password specified in a profile.
    parameter: <profile> [<user> <password>]

  • profiledel
    Deletes the specified profile.

    parameter: <profile>

  • runprofile
    Runs the specified profile only one time.
    parameter: <type>


  • schedules
    Displays a list of current schedules.

  • deleteschedule
    Deletes a schedule.
    parameter: <schedule name>

  • enableschedule
    Enable a disabled schedule. parameter: <schedule name>

  • disableschedule
    Disable an enabled schedule.
    parameter: <schedule name>

  • runschedule
    Run the specified schedule.
    Parameter:<schedule name>


  • restorevolume
    Starts a task to restore a volume from a backup.

    parameter: <image path> [:volume number] <restorevolume v2v!c: d:> [pw:<password>][force] [active] [mbr|newmbr] [signature] [track0] [create] [:size] [logical] [sdisk<number>]

    Execution Example: restorevolume /mnt/backup/test.aiv /dev/sdb1
    restorevolume /mnt/backup/test.aiv:2 /dev/sdb1 pw:mypassword

  • restoredisk
    Starts a task to restore a disk from the specified backup.

    parameter: <image path>[change list] disk<number> [pw:<password>] [sdisk<number>] [force] [mbr|newmbr] [signature] [track0] [diskmeta] [extendntfs]

    [change list] enables to specify [:volume number], [,size] or [,boot].

    Execution Example:
    restoredisk /mnt/backup/test.aiv /dev/sdb
    restoredisk /mnt/backup/test.aiv /dev/sdb pw:mypass
    restoredisk /mnt/backup/test.aiv /dev/sdb mbr

Mount Image

  • mountinfo
    Displays information about mounted volumes.

Create / Operate Backups

  • createimage
    Starts a task to create the backup specified by .
    parameter: \

  • imageinfo
    Displays backup information.
    parameter: <image path> disknum [pw:<password>]

    Execution Example:
    imageinfo /mnt/backup/test.aiv 1 pw:mypassword

  • password
    Changes the password for a backup.
    parameter: <image path> [<new password>] [pw:<old password>]

  • verify
    Starts a task to ensure that the backup file is not compromised.
    parameter: <image path> [pw:<password>]

  • unify
    Merges incremental backups to the specified point to an archive file. The original backups keep unchanged.
    parameter: <image path> <Destination image path> [pw:<password>] [createMD5|autoDecidedMD5]

    Execution Example: unify /mnt/backup/test_i00007.aii /mnt/backup/NUNIFY_0001.aiv pw:abc createMD5

  • consolidate
    Merges incremental backups created in specified range to one incremental backup. A new INC backup will be created. The original backup will be renamed or deleted.
    *When consolidating a full (base) backup image file and incremental image files, please specify ‘0’ for n1.
    parameter: <base image path> n1-n2 [pw:<password>] [delOriginal] [createMD5|autoDecidedMD5]

    Execution Example:
    consolidate /mnt/backup/test.aiv 3-5 pw:abc delOriginal createMD5
    consolidate /mnt/backup/test.aiv 5-25 pw:mypassword

Task Operation

  • tasks
    Displays information on current tasks.

  • task
    Changes selected task.
    parameter: <id> <cancel|pause|resume|perf> [<perfvalue>]

Boot Environment

  • rescueboot
    Changes the configuration and status of boot environment.