
The ActiveVisor console window consists of the following.


Control Buttons


Pushes installs, upgrades, and uninstalls ActiveImage Protector agents to and from a selected client. For additional details, click here.

Adds a specific computer to the client list for remote management. Uses [Auto-discovery] to find computers on the same network as likely candidates for adding to the managed list.

When adding the likely candidates found by using [Auto-discovery], credential information is required for authenticating access to the computer. After selecting [Move to Managed] from the right-click menu, select [Credential information setting] in right-click menu again and configure the settings in the dialog.

When moving a computer which ActiveImage Protector agent is installed to Managed, the connection is established from the agent to ActiveVisor. When ActiveVisor is uninstalled / reinstalled, and the connection is established from the agent to ActiveVisor, the computer is automatically moved to managed. When ActiveVisor is uninstalled with default setting, the credential information for authenticating access is deleted. Consequently, it becomes necessary to re-input the credential information by selecting [Change credential information] in right-click menu on the agent.

Management Information Tab


Event History


Event history of ActiveVisor and managed clients are displayed.