Deploy/Restore Master Image
Deploy Master Image
Set the Deployment USB media to the computer and boot up boot environment by using the USB media.
Boot the system from the first recovery optical media. You will be promptedt to replace the media.
When the boot environment boots up, click [D].
When [Auto start] option is enabled, count-down timer starts to run Deploy / Recovery task automatically after the pre-defined time period passes. To stop auto-start of Deployment process, please click [Cancel].
Deployment USB media supports a master image file embedded by using this product only. You are not allowed to deploy an image file copied by user operation.
You are not allowed to restore to a disk smaller than deployment source hard disk.
You are not allowed to depoy a image file to the system on which the different number of disks are configured in comparison to the source computer system.
When [Auto start] option is enabled but count-down timer is set to [0] seconds, you cannot cancel Deploy task.
When a task fails in error, please access herefor the error code and the description.
When Deployment process completes, please reboot or shut down the system.
Restore Image
Set the Restore USB media to the computer and boot up boot environment by using the USB media (or optical drive).
When the boot environment boots up, click [R].
The Restore USB media supports a backup image created by Deploy USB media Version 4.2.0 or later. Restore USB media supports the computer of the hardware configuration according with the backup source computer. {: .alert .alert-info }
When [Auto start] option is enabled, count-down timer starts to run Deploy / Recovery task automatically after the pre-defined time period passes. To stop auto-start of Deployment process, please click [Cancel].
Deployment USB media supports a master image file embedded by using this product only. You are not allowed to deploy an image file copied by user operation.
You are not allowed to restore to a disk smaller than restore source hard disk.
You are not allowed to restore the master image to the system configured with the different number of disks from restore source.
When [0] seconds is specified for [Auto start recovery in xx seconds], you are not allowed to cancel deployment.
When a task fails in error, please access herefor the error code and the description.
When Restore Image process completes, please reboot or shut down the system.