Technical Support

Before Contacting Technical Support Service

Before contacting Technical Support for help and advice, please try to find solutions to your questions by consulting ActiveVisor Help, README and product information at our Web site. You can access our support information at: here

When contacting Technical Support, please be prepared to provide the information below and a detailed description of the problem, including operational procedures to reproduce the problem, error messages if any, etc.

Generating Support Information File

Please send us the support information which will be useful in identifying and resolving the issue.

If you encounter a problem while creating Deployment USB Memory

  1. Click on [Settings] - [Create Support Info].
  2. The Support Information File ( is generated on the desk-top.

If you encounter a problem while operating in boot environment booted by using Deployment USB Memory

logs folder and usbdeployui.log file located in [ImageFile] volume in Deployment USB memory.